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Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 1. Aug 2012, 20:14
Author: Nuberu
SS1900 hat geschrieben:
PS: however with the latest build ( 20120729 ) i can not set my TCP port's always "random" .
more clear : at the first startup i set all my values and settings .......but at the next startup i find the TCP port always with a random set... i set it again ...emule popup "please restart ed2kloader with the changed setting ports"...i restart it but nothing !! :mad:

UPDATE : now it works....strange ...after 10 startup..... :kreuz:

In my case, it works on the 2nd time

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 1. Aug 2012, 22:44
Author: dylandog84
This project is very interesting. I would like to try it. :))

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Do 2. Aug 2012, 20:45
Author: SS1900
now in a new runsession ......all of my researches are marked as spam ! always ! :o
and i don't know why... :wacko:

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Do 2. Aug 2012, 23:07
Author: Nuberu
SS1900 hat geschrieben:now in a new runsession ......all of my researches are marked as spam ! always ! :o
and i don't know why... :wacko:

Working well here

Upload speed. Full connection for eMule

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 3. Aug 2012, 01:06
Author: dylandog84
Hi guys, does this feature:
"~ notifications and proxy settings are only visible when "extended controls" is enabled"

work fine?
I have tried to enable/disable the extended controls, but nothing happens... :huh:

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 3. Aug 2012, 08:12
Author: WiZaRd
No, I disabled it because it created some display distortion.
About the upload: I'm currently investigating the reason(s) - maybe you could tell me more details, i.e. queue length, number of uploaders, speed they take, etc.?

Hold down CTRL and hover over a search result to get more details. You could also send me your search terms so I can check out the reasons... looks like you got "known bad results", i.e. DRM protected files or similar.

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 3. Aug 2012, 11:14
Author: SS1900
WiZaRd hat geschrieben:@SS1900:
Hold down CTRL and hover over a search result to get more details. You could also send me your search terms so I can check out the reasons... looks like you got "known bad results", i.e. DRM protected files or similar.

if i remember correctly , this time , i have only used in the "filter search" avi as extension . :))

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 3. Aug 2012, 15:13
Author: dylandog84
I have two small questions about search results.
Why can't i see the maximum availability of my search results if i click on the omonymous column? I always have to scroll down with the mouse.
What is the purpose of colors? Some of my search results are colored with grey, others are not highlighted.

Thx. :))

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 3. Aug 2012, 16:25
Author: SS1900
dylandog84 hat geschrieben:I have two small questions about search results.
Why can't i see the maximum availability of my search results if i click on the omonymous column? I always have to scroll down with the mouse.
What is the purpose of colors? Some of my search results are colored with grey, others are not highlighted.

Thx. :))

from changelog :

Code: Alles auswählen
+ AntiFake [WiZaRd, parts from Netfinitys' FakeAlyzer]

for this reason the search results are coloured ....and you can "sort" them only for "fake results" / "colour results".
i hope to have been clear :))

Re: ed2k Loader Beta

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 3. Aug 2012, 16:42
Author: WiZaRd
I don't know if we keep the colours... I added some fake detection and results are automatically (ALWAYS) sorted by trust, i.e. spam results or "fishy" results are always below trusted ones even if their values would put them to the top, otherwise.