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BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Sa 22. Mär 2008, 17:32

µTorrent 1.8 Build 9137 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 9137), 2008-03-21:
- Feature: Different download listview settings for RSS categories and regular Torrents
- Feature: (advanced) option to use tall or short Category list
- Feature: improve distribution of new connections across torrents
- Change: open Category list on upgrade to 1.8, if there are any RSS feeds
- Change: increase tracker interval on failure ("failure message" and HTTP 50X status codes)
- Change: reduce number of digits on many list and bar speeds and sizes
- Change: informative error on bind failure
- Change: slow_ul/dl_threshold affects inactive/active status as well
- Change: default sort order for RSS categories to 'Added On'
- Fix: use different UPnP mapping names to prevent UDP mapping overwriteing TCP mapping on some routers
- Fix: peer.resolve_country
- Fix: higher scrape count for peers was not displayed in the torrent list Peers column
- Fix: HTTPS User-Agent for betas
- Fix: "Invalid Parameter" errors with long path names

Be warned, this is a beta, so bugs are to be expected, and it is not to be considered feature complete. Don't test this on private trackers without explicit permission from staff, if you value your account. Please test and report bugs/crashes/etc. Thanks.

Download Beta
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » So 30. Mär 2008, 00:16

µTorrent 1.8 Build 9272 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 9272), 2008-03-28:
- Change: better error messages on bind failure
- Change: clear peer traffic logging options on startup (fixes noisy logging after 1.7 upgrade)
- Change: diskio.smart_sparse_hash for broken file systems (like Windows Home Server)
- Fix: UNC and long path parsing
- Fix: more "Invalid Parameter" errors when drives are not present when the torrent is added
- Fix: DHT dump buckets formatting for large numbers
- Fix: black progress bar on 0 byte files
- Fix: Enable/Disable Feed option on All Feeds item

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Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Fr 4. Apr 2008, 11:13

µTorrent 1.8 Build 9360 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 9360), 2008-04-03:
- Change: improved DHT processing
- Fix: infrequent lock ups with the Files tab
- Fix: Some cases where icons in add torrent dialog were not loaded properly
- Fix: Display of '&' characters in various places including general tab
- Fix: titlebar speed formatting
- Fix: 'remove' and 'removedata' actions in webui now respect the 'remove to trash' option

Download BETA
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Sa 5. Apr 2008, 15:47

µTorrent 1.8 Build 9363 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 9363), 2008-04-04:
- Fix: crash with some RSS settings files
- Fix: DHT processing

Download Beta
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Di 15. Apr 2008, 14:20

µtorrent 1.8 beta (build 9578)

--- 2008-04-14: Version 1.8 beta (build 9578)
- Feature: show PEX and LSD in Trackers tab
- Change: warn about file size exceeding volume limit in add torrent dialog
- Change: do not open files that do not exist, in Files tab
- Change: remove 10000 cap on share ratio display
- Change: remove default search engines (see for search plugins)
- Change: local peer connections do not count towards the NAT light
- Fix: smart sparse hash check on compressed NTFS volumes
- Fix: context menu copy of peers entry (was stripping whitespace)
- Fix: loading .btsearch files on startup and from drag'n'drop
- Fix: loading the same .btsearch again caused a second entry
- Fix: RSS items marked as "Previously Downloaded" even on error
- Fix: lexicographical ordering of bencode dict keys (fixes .torrent creation)
- Fix: UNC path handling of storage directories

Download Alpha
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Agent » Mi 16. Apr 2008, 15:44

µTorrent 1.8.0 Beta (Build 9599)

008-04-15: Version 1.8 beta (build 9599)
- Change: make 'Local Peer Discovery' and 'Peer Exchange' more like the DHT entry in the Trackers tab
- Fix: crash with btsearch duplicate check

Infos & Download
„Natürlicher Verstand kann fast jeden Grad von Bildung ersetzen, aber keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand.“ Schopenhauer

Beiträge: 8092
Registriert: Di 17. Jan 2006, 22:17

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Mo 21. Apr 2008, 23:11

µTorrent 1.8.0 Beta (Build 9704)

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 9704), 2008-04-20:
- Change: when done, disconnect peers that have everything we have (instead of only 100%)
- Change: drop inactive peers in favor of local peers, if a connection limit is hit
- Fix: timezone parsing in RSS feeds (PST, EDT, etc)
- Fix: allowed fast messages before we have metadata
- Fix: "incorrect alignment" errors
- Fix: crash when creating and seeding torrent

Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Do 8. Mai 2008, 16:22

µTorrent 1.8 Build 10054 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 10054), 2008-05-08:
- Feature: gui.log_date for logging date in Logger lines
- Feature: add 'complete', 'incomplete' and 'external ip' to internal tracker
- Feature: net.calc_overhead to add TCP/IP overhead calculation to rate measure
- Change: Merge General and Transfer tabs
- Change: send webui response as 'application/x-json'
- Change: log about invalid lines in ipfilter (in misc errors)
- Change: keep old computer ids, to reduce scam warning on valid ID switch
- Change: remove 0x8000 flag from peerid
- Fix: internal tracker
- Fix: give the Speed Guide a title
- Fix: ipfilter would not drop some peers on reload
- Fix: GDI memory leak when changing torrents
- Fix: several (minor) UPnP bugs when enabling/disabling and/or chaning the port
- Fix: Minor memory leak involving help file downloader
- Fix: GDI handle leak on resize
- Fix: grid lines on speed graph were off-by-one

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Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Mo 12. Mai 2008, 23:40

µTorrent 1.8 Build 10093 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 10085), 2008-05-09:
- Change: change unique id to include last-seen timestamp
- Fix: very rare DHT memory corruption
- Fix: vertical grid lines on speed graph were off-by-one

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 10093), 2008-05-10:
- Change: pre-allocate disk space now overrides diskio.sparse_files
- Change: warn when disk buffer allocation fails
- Fix: slow or no connections with large numbers of seeding torrents
- Fix: XP UPnP IP field bug

Be warned, this is a beta, so bugs are to be expected, and it is not to be considered feature complete. Don't test this on private trackers without explicit permission from staff, if you value your account. Please test and report bugs/crashes/etc. Thanks.

Download BETA
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla

BeitragAuthor: Deer-Hunter » Di 13. Mai 2008, 18:09

µTorrent 1.8 Build 10181 Beta

Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 10181), 2008-05-13:
- Change: token-based webui changes to prevent XSRF (optional: webui.token_auth)
- Change: upload activity prevents a downloading torrent from being marked as "inactive"
- Fix: rare crash bug with incoming socket timeout
- Fix: .torrent autoload problems when using Add Torrent dialog
- Fix: XP UPnP IP field bug

Download BETA
Bild Leute, die einem sagen, man solle sich nicht über Kleinigkeiten aufregen, haben noch nie eine Mücke im Schlafzimmer gehabt. Bild
Beiträge: 7414
Registriert: Sa 17. Dez 2005, 22:54
Wohnort: Walhalla


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