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eMuleFuture v1.1 FiNaL

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Mo 20. Dez 2010, 21:44

magicm13 hat geschrieben:Meldet sich beim Start als v1.0

20.12.2010 11:15:27: eMule Version 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.0 bereit me > 19/12/2010 17:53:14: eMule Version 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1 ready :confused:

however are some stats :

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> Modversion: eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (383.36 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.09 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.46 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally OFF
|--> Hard limit: 400
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieveries: 0
|--> Modthieveries: 1
|--> File fakes: 635
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 68
|--> Fast asks: 1505
|--> Spams: 19
|--> FastXS: 41818
|--> Mod fakes: 12

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 1:49 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.85 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 81.84 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.88 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 84.42 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.26 GB
|--> Active uploads: 11
|--> Waiting Uploads: 8884

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 1:46 Hours (99.8%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 17
|--> Download-Speed: 117.81 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 209.47 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 550.51 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 228.54 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 18.57 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1772
|--> Too many connections: 0
|--> On Queue: 1153
|--> Asking: 0
|--> Connecting: 0
|--> No needed parts: 532
|--> Asked for another file: 324
|--> Queue Full: 62
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 91

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.56
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 725.41 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 966
|--> Number of Downloads: 88
|--> Completed Downloads: 45
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 10486 (96.4%) : 185 (1.7%) : 208 (1.9%)
|--> Download Sessions: 4659
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 3998 (85.81%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 661 (14.19%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1465
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1293 (88.26%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 172 (11.74%)

|--> *** Modded by shadow2004/WiZaRd/Spike2/JvA/taz ***

@ taz

look how is my upload with the EMF mod :D


Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: magicm13 » Di 21. Dez 2010, 09:19

21.12.2010 06:39:35: eMule Version 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1 bereit

Client Details werden auch ohne Absturz angezeigt
mfg MagicM13

"Das Leben hört nicht auf komisch zu sein, wenn Menschen sterben, ebenso wenig wie es aufhört ernst zu sein, wenn man lacht!"
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950)

"Logik ist die Kunst, zuversichtlich in die Irre zu gehen."Joseph Wood Krutch (November 25, 1893 – May 22, 1970)
Beiträge: 924
Registriert: Di 2. Mär 2004, 21:12
Wohnort: Kingdom Hospital

BeitragAuthor: WiZaRd » Di 21. Dez 2010, 11:09

Dann hing das wohl zusammen... sehr merkwürdig, aber bei M$ erlebt man immer neue Sachen, da wird es nie langweilig.

... 9 von 10 Stimmen im meinem Kopf sagen ich bin nicht verrückt... - die 10te summt die Melodie von TETRIS
Beiträge: 3805
Registriert: Fr 7. Jan 2005, 19:28
Wohnort: The Realm of Magic

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Fr 21. Jan 2011, 23:02

@ wizard

mmm some friends are banned for "reask"....... :(
the friend slot helps's possible to add a sort of "don't ban friends" in the next release ? :)


Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: WiZaRd » Sa 22. Jan 2011, 09:29

They aren't banned, the CA is just reducing their score a bit - and IMHO friends shouldn't be treated different just for being on your emfriends.met

... 9 von 10 Stimmen im meinem Kopf sagen ich bin nicht verrückt... - die 10te summt die Melodie von TETRIS
Beiträge: 3805
Registriert: Fr 7. Jan 2005, 19:28
Wohnort: The Realm of Magic

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Sa 22. Jan 2011, 20:27

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> Modversion: eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (424.12 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.06 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieveries: 7
|--> Modthieveries: 0
|--> File fakes: 1655
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 148
|--> Fast asks: 2850
|--> Spams: 32
|--> FastXS: 61303
|--> Mod fakes: 18

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 20:51 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 90.02 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 78.97 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 93.03 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 87.74 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 12.16 GB
|--> Active uploads: 8
|--> Waiting Uploads: 9502

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 20:44 Hours (99.7%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 14
|--> Download-Speed: 50.34 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 194.73 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 501.98 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 211.37 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 29.99 GB
|--> Found Sources: 4348
|--> Too many connections: 22
|--> On Queue: 3692
|--> Asking: 1
|--> Connecting: 3
|--> No needed parts: 356
|--> Asked for another file: 7134
|--> Queue Full: 232
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 82

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.47
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 678.60 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 943
|--> Number of Downloads: 205
|--> Completed Downloads: 29
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 11532 (95.8%) : 240 (2.0%) : 260 (2.2%)
|--> Download Sessions: 7007
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 6049 (86.33%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 958 (13.67%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 2475
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 2173 (87.80%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 302 (12.20%)

|--> *** Modded by shadow2004/WiZaRd/Spike2/JvA/taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Sa 26. Feb 2011, 09:21

Code: Alles auswählen
Basic System Infos:
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> Modversion: eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (3%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (407.39 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.06 TB


Emule Settings:
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.46 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

Mod Settings:
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

ClientAnalyzer Stats:
|--> Nickthieveries: 3
|--> Modthieveries: 3
|--> File fakes: 1299
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 73
|--> Fast asks: 2078
|--> Spams: 29
|--> FastXS: 49872
|--> Mod fakes: 14

Upload Stats:
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 12:23 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.97 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 87.76 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.98 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.16 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 10.97 GB
|--> Active uploads: 16
|--> Waiting Uploads: 8017

Download Stats:
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 12:19 Hours (99.8%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 65
|--> Download-Speed: 237.38 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 218.41 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 523.66 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 235.11 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 27.29 GB
|--> Found Sources: 3906
|--> Too many connections: 182
|--> On Queue: 3271
|--> Asking: 2
|--> Connecting: 6
|--> No needed parts: 219
|--> Asked for another file: 3560
|--> Queue Full: 118
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 40

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.49
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 706.29 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1114
|--> Number of Downloads: 139
|--> Completed Downloads: 79
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 9524 (94.7%) : 190 (1.9%) : 338 (3.4%)
|--> Download Sessions: 6217
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 5271 (84.78%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 946 (15.22%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1919
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1723 (89.79%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 196 (10.21%)

|--> *** Modded by shadow2004/WiZaRd/Spike2/JvA/taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » So 3. Apr 2011, 14:50

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> Modversion: eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (14%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (361.57 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.08 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.46 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 200
|--> Max. sources (global): 4500
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Reserve 1 slot
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieveries: 1
|--> Modthieveries: 2
|--> File fakes: 577
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 42
|--> Fast asks: 1381
|--> Spams: 2
|--> FastXS: 44550
|--> Mod fakes: 28

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 2:03 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 90.02 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 87.85 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.89 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.11 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.86 GB
|--> Active uploads: 11
|--> Waiting Uploads: 8162

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 2:01 Hours (99.9%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 20
|--> Download-Speed: 82.86 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 140.95 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 694.79 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 158.79 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 12.61 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1966
|--> Too many connections: 5
|--> On Queue: 1755
|--> Asking: 0
|--> Connecting: 0
|--> No needed parts: 161
|--> Asked for another file: 230
|--> Queue Full: 12
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 54

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 1.60
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 693.45 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 830
|--> Number of Downloads: 82
|--> Completed Downloads: 22
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 9706 (96.5%) : 177 (1.8%) : 179 (1.8%)
|--> Download Sessions: 2177
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 1896 (87.09%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 281 (12.91%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1215
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1116 (91.85%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 99 (8.15%)

|--> *** Modded by shadow2004/WiZaRd/Spike2/JvA/taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Di 13. Sep 2011, 23:01

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> Modversion: eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (432.63 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.07 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieveries: 0
|--> Modthieveries: 0
|--> File fakes: 550
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 48
|--> Fast asks: 3456
|--> Spams: 6
|--> FastXS: 21492
|--> Mod fakes: 16

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 59 Minutes (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 86.73 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 87.61 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.88 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.61 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.52 GB
|--> Active uploads: 28
|--> Waiting Uploads: 4787

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 54 Minutes (99.6%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 71
|--> Download-Speed: 267.45 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 206.49 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 748.27 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 206.47 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 17.72 GB
|--> Found Sources: 4702
|--> Too many connections: 146
|--> On Queue: 4081
|--> Asking: 3
|--> Connecting: 14
|--> No needed parts: 113
|--> Asked for another file: 6208
|--> Queue Full: 252
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 52

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.36
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 791.93 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1188
|--> Number of Downloads: 274
|--> Completed Downloads: 31
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 8073 (96.2%) : 120 (1.4%) : 201 (2.4%)
|--> Download Sessions: 5574
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 4482 (80.41%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 1092 (19.59%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1494
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1336 (89.42%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 158 (10.58%)

|--> *** Modded by shadow2004/WiZaRd/Spike2/JvA/taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » So 20. Nov 2011, 12:21

Code: Alles auswählen

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> Modversion: eMuleFuture v1.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (402.44 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.02 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 200
|--> Max. sources (global): 3500
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieveries: 4
|--> Modthieveries: 0
|--> File fakes: 309
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 26
|--> Fast asks: 7912
|--> Spams: 21
|--> FastXS: 59040
|--> Mod fakes: 30

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 15:08 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.98 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 87.83 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.93 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.15 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 11.80 GB
|--> Active uploads: 18
|--> Waiting Uploads: 9756

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 15:04 Hours (99.8%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 29
|--> Download-Speed: 136.51 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 150.64 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 715.86 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 228.54 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 20.24 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1055
|--> Too many connections: 1
|--> On Queue: 897
|--> Asking: 1
|--> Connecting: 0
|--> No needed parts: 113
|--> Asked for another file: 1602
|--> Queue Full: 11
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 29

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 1.72
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 890.34 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1248
|--> Number of Downloads: 175
|--> Completed Downloads: 43
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 9991 (97.4%) : 120 (1.2%) : 147 (1.4%)
|--> Download Sessions: 3496
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 3074 (87.93%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 422 (12.07%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 2062
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1717 (83.27%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 345 (16.73%)

|--> *** Modded by shadow2004/WiZaRd/Spike2/JvA/taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07


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