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Emule 0.60A (Beta)

Emule 0.60A (Beta)

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Sa 29. Aug 2020, 13:02

Hi there...a new realise by fox88
It has been a while, but finally the code has got changes, new executables were compiled and prepared for testing.
This is the first public beta of eMule 0.60a.

Internally, the changes are extensive; there are security improvements and optimisations, a few bugs and regressions were fixed.
All that might be, and in many cases should be, invisible to users.

The visible side of the changes should be:
  • SMTP email notifications can use secure transmission and user authentication
  • HTTPS can be used for downloading server.met, nodes.dat, IP filter and language DLLs
  • servers: first connection is tried as obfuscated (often server capabilities were unknown at the time)
  • minor increase in KAD publishing rate
  • Windows UPnP implementation got changes (and needs field testing)
  • improved compatibility with the latest versions of mediainfo.dll, including 20.08
  • uniform checks for data rate limits
  • parts import for handling broken downloads (should be enabled in Options->Extended - for the current session only)
And now, have you been attentive enough and noticed plural form executables in the first phrase?
This is not a mistake, there are two executable files, because eMule gets 32-bit and 64-bit builds.

In 64-bit Windows it is possible to use well know "overwrite the executable" kind of upgrade as the simplest way to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit builds or versions - there and back.
Of course, external DLLs (MediaInfo.dll, for one) must have the same bitness as eMule itself.

Download links:
[url=""]eMule 0.60a 32-bit[/url]
[url=""]eMule 0.60a 64-bit[/url]

It is advisable to update eMule.tmpl file (a regression was fixed) if you are using Web Interface. The file can be [url=""]downloaded[/url] from repository.

Original post > ... pic=165281

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

Re: Emule 0.60A (Beta)

BeitragAuthor: hooligan » So 30. Aug 2020, 01:34

runs rather well :cheers
Beiträge: 108
Registriert: Mi 26. Aug 2009, 14:59
Wohnort: monaco

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