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[0.50A] SharkX v2.1

[0.50A] SharkX v2.1

BeitragAuthor: taz » Sa 5. Mär 2011, 10:47


Maintenance release (based on suggestions & requests made by modders, beta testers & users) :

SharkX v2.01 Based on eMuleFuture v1.1 [0.50a]

add Webservices PopupMenuSeparator Intelligent Detection [SiRoB]
add Quick Start [TPT] + server connect [taz]
change Client Analyzer log events to stand alone mod (not related to verbose)
change CDirectDownloadDlg::OnOK so ed2k links won't break on " " [taz]
Updated ITA dll within BIN - 10'x to Raid !

(if wished more languages emule.rc within lang @ SRC can be used for IDS/strings)

Download SharkX v2.1 -Binary- @

Download SharkX v2.1 -Source- @
SharkX_v2.1.jpg (0 Bytes) 40740-mal betrachtet
SharkX modder - less " free meals" only a CLICK away !
Requests for additional / changed features HERE Next version changelog
Beiträge: 438
Registriert: Do 29. Mär 2007, 07:30
Wohnort: Israel

BeitragAuthor: pesti » Sa 5. Mär 2011, 12:32

Thx taz, links added. :thumbsup:
Kein Filesharing mehr und nun eine 250 Mbit Leitung..... :-)

Beiträge: 3684
Registriert: Sa 19. Jun 2004, 16:30

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » So 6. Mär 2011, 17:08

Code: Alles auswählen
Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.1 (based on eMule0.50a)

Basic System Infos:
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.1
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (441.48 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.05 TB


Emule Settings:
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.46 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 200
|--> Max. sources (global): 4000
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

Mod Settings:
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

ClientAnalyzer Stats:
|--> Nickthieves: 9
|--> Modthieves: 0
|--> File fakes: 347
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 35
|--> Fast asks: 1154
|--> Spams: 17
|--> FastXS: 33006
|--> Mod fakes: 20

Suspected User Hashes Stats:
|--> AJ: 1849
|--> Community: 3096
|--> Corrupt: 3614
|--> Bad: 0

Upload Stats:
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 24 Minutes (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.98 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 87.55 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.82 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 87.64 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.34 GB
|--> Active uploads: 15
|--> Waiting Uploads: 10000

Download Stats:
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 23 Minutes (99.9%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 28
|--> Download-Speed: 121.09 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 181.68 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 533.73 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 186.18 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 15.22 GB
|--> Found Sources: 2009
|--> Too many connections: 1
|--> On Queue: 1684
|--> Asking: 2
|--> Connecting: 6
|--> No needed parts: 243
|--> Asked for another file: 5617
|--> Queue Full: 38
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 91

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.08
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 680.71 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 904
|--> Number of Downloads: 178
|--> Completed Downloads: 20
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 11122 (95.9%) : 215 (1.9%) : 263 (2.3%)
|--> Download Sessions: 2571
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 2188 (85.10%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 383 (14.90%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1496
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1266 (84.63%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 230 (15.37%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: Bebabob » Mo 7. Mär 2011, 18:09

Bug: Options produces an error on new settings due to incorrect Quickstart initial values.

Problem: Menus do not adhere to the system colors.

Beiträge: 43
Registriert: So 11. Mai 2008, 21:05

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Mi 14. Dez 2011, 08:37

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.1 (based on eMule0.50a)[/b]

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.1
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (383.74 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.00 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 50
|--> Max. sources per file: 250
|--> Max. sources (global): 3500
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieves: 3
|--> Modthieves: 0
|--> File fakes: 592
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 31
|--> Fast asks: 1457
|--> Spams: 20
|--> FastXS: 16889
|--> Mod fakes: 29

[b]Suspected User Hashes Stats:[/b]
|--> AJ: 742
|--> Community: 993
|--> Corrupt: 3245
|--> Bad: 0

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 23:49 Hours (99.9%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.16 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 88.06 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.79 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.06 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.20 GB
|--> Active uploads: 25
|--> Waiting Uploads: 4257

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 23:48 Hours (99.9%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 84
|--> Download-Speed: 244.50 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 227.37 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 402.74 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 241.69 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 18.60 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1979
|--> Too many connections: 3
|--> On Queue: 1761
|--> Asking: 4
|--> Connecting: 3
|--> No needed parts: 85
|--> Asked for another file: 8975
|--> Queue Full: 28
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 22

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.58
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 841.52 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1213
|--> Number of Downloads: 389
|--> Completed Downloads: 19
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 5229 (97.2%) : 78 (1.5%) : 72 (1.3%)
|--> Download Sessions: 4705
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 4164 (88.50%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 541 (11.50%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1982
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1715 (86.53%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 267 (13.47%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Do 2. Feb 2012, 21:51

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.1 (based on eMule0.50a)[/b]

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.1
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (389.72 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.61 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 50
|--> Max. sources per file: 250
|--> Max. sources (global): 3500
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60001 UDP: 60002
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieves: 2
|--> Modthieves: 1
|--> File fakes: 300
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 17
|--> Fast asks: 3099
|--> Spams: 3
|--> FastXS: 43343
|--> Mod fakes: 46

[b]Suspected User Hashes Stats:[/b]
|--> AJ: 1087
|--> Community: 1262
|--> Corrupt: 3933
|--> Bad: 0

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 52 Minutes (99.9%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.95 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 87.88 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.73 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.33 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.51 GB
|--> Active uploads: 16
|--> Waiting Uploads: 6500

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 52 Minutes (99.9%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 44
|--> Download-Speed: 186.96 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 203.51 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 371.52 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 225.12 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 17.38 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1865
|--> Too many connections: 1
|--> On Queue: 1672
|--> Asking: 2
|--> Connecting: 0
|--> No needed parts: 117
|--> Asked for another file: 2679
|--> Queue Full: 20
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 45

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.32
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 731.70 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1027
|--> Number of Downloads: 171
|--> Completed Downloads: 49
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 8427 (97.4%) : 104 (1.2%) : 121 (1.4%)
|--> Download Sessions: 3125
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 2736 (87.55%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 389 (12.45%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1572
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1340 (85.24%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 232 (14.76%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

Re: [0.50A] SharkX v2.1

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » So 17. Jun 2012, 09:39

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.1 (based on eMule0.50a)[/b]

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.1
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (367.42 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.63 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 90.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 0.98 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 50
|--> Max. sources per file: 500
|--> Max. sources (global): 2500
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 61111 UDP: 62222
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieves: 7
|--> Modthieves: 0
|--> File fakes: 264
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 17
|--> Fast asks: 1531
|--> Spams: 1
|--> FastXS: 33535
|--> Mod fakes: 8

[b]Suspected User Hashes Stats:[/b]
|--> AJ: 760
|--> Community: 999
|--> Corrupt: 4544
|--> Bad: 0

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 2 Minutes (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 89.74 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 88.26 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 92.72 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 88.26 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 7.29 GB
|--> Active uploads: 10
|--> Waiting Uploads: 5575

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 23:58 Hours (99.7%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 21
|--> Download-Speed: 118.33 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 128.29 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 621.94 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 168.39 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 10.59 GB
|--> Found Sources: 874
|--> Too many connections: 0
|--> On Queue: 775
|--> Asking: 0
|--> Connecting: 1
|--> No needed parts: 66
|--> Asked for another file: 90
|--> Queue Full: 7
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 14

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 1.45
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 696.59 GB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 858
|--> Number of Downloads: 53
|--> Completed Downloads: 19
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 5997 (97.4%) : 64 (1.0%) : 95 (1.5%)
|--> Download Sessions: 1621
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 1435 (88.53%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 186 (11.47%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1432
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1249 (87.22%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 183 (12.78%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

Re: [0.50A] SharkX v2.1

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » So 20. Okt 2013, 10:23

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.1 (based on eMule0.50a)[/b]

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.1
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (383.90 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.50 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 85.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.46 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 10500 UDP: 10600
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Reserve 1 slot
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieves: 43
|--> Modthieves: 0
|--> File fakes: 560
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 41
|--> Fast asks: 1394
|--> Spams: 32
|--> FastXS: 48537
|--> Mod fakes: 57

[b]Suspected User Hashes Stats:[/b]
|--> AJ: 650
|--> Community: 1113
|--> Corrupt: 5793
|--> Bad: 0

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 4:14 Hours (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 85.02 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 83.43 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 85.59 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 0 B/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 8.09 GB
|--> Active uploads: 13
|--> Waiting Uploads: 5461

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 4:11 Hours (99.8%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 77
|--> Download-Speed: 242.03 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 225.29 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 711.01 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 0 B/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 21.84 GB
|--> Found Sources: 2488
|--> Too many connections: 1
|--> On Queue: 2147
|--> Asking: 0
|--> Connecting: 3
|--> No needed parts: 215
|--> Asked for another file: 475
|--> Queue Full: 21
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 29

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.70
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 1.39 TB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1337
|--> Number of Downloads: 194
|--> Completed Downloads: 27
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 6954 (98.1%) : 37 (0.5%) : 97 (1.4%)
|--> Download Sessions: 4664
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 4112 (88.16%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 552 (11.84%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1329
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1226 (92.25%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 103 (7.75%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

Re: [0.50A] SharkX v2.1

BeitragAuthor: SS1900 » Mi 11. Jun 2014, 21:37

Code: Alles auswählen
[b]Collected by SS1900 using SharkX v2.1 (based on eMule0.50a)[/b]

[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick: SS1900
|--> Client Version: 0.50a | SharkX v2.1
|--> Modversion: SharkX v2.1
|--> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9400  @ 2.66GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.67GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 8.00 GB (328.85 MB)
|--> Free Space on Tempdrive: 1.46 TB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Upload-Speed: 128.00 KB/s (Limit: 85.00 KB/s)
|--> Max. Download-Speed: 1.91 MB/s (Limit: Unlimited)
|--> AutoHL: globally ON
|--> Min. sources per file: 25
|--> Max. sources per file: 65535
|--> Max. sources (global): 65535
|--> Max. connections: 500
|--> Max. new connections / 5 secs.: 20
|--> Max. half open connections: 9
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 60000 UDP: 62000
|--> Upload SpeedSense (USS): Disabled
|--> Server Safe Connect: Enabled

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> SOTN: globally ON
|--> Emulate other: Yes
|--> UPnP: Disabled
|--> ConChecker: Enabled
|--> Payback first: Automatic
|--> Save/Load Sources: Enabled (100|25)

[b]ClientAnalyzer Stats:[/b]
|--> Nickthieves: 1
|--> Modthieves: 0
|--> File fakes: 221
|--> UDP-FNF fakes: 10
|--> Fast asks: 1054
|--> Spams: 36
|--> FastXS: 29718
|--> Mod fakes: 2

[b]Suspected User Hashes Stats:[/b]
|--> AJ: 528
|--> Community: 1040
|--> Corrupt: 3658
|--> Bad: 0

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Upload Time: 1 Days 11 Minutes (100.0%)
|--> Upload-Speed: 85.02 KB/s
|--> Average Uploadrate: 83.33 KB/s
|--> Max Upload Rate: 106.13 KB/s
|--> Max Average Upload Rate: 83.34 KB/s
|--> Uploaded Data: 6.92 GB
|--> Active uploads: 11
|--> Waiting Uploads: 3979

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Download Time: 1 Days 10 Minutes (99.9%)
|--> Active Downloads (chunks): 36
|--> Download-Speed: 234.45 KB/s
|--> Average Downloadrate: 214.57 KB/s
|--> max. Downloadrate: 433.26 KB/s
|--> Max Downloadrate Average: 215.22 KB/s
|--> Downloaded Data: 17.82 GB
|--> Found Sources: 1242
|--> Too many connections: 0
|--> On Queue: 1022
|--> Asking: 1
|--> Connecting: 2
|--> No needed parts: 151
|--> Asked for another file: 209
|--> Queue Full: 20
|--> Cannot connect LowID to LowID: 0
|--> Banned: 33

|--> Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 2.58
|--> Total size of Shared Files: 1.93 TB
|--> Number of Shared Files: 1811
|--> Number of Downloads: 169
|--> Completed Downloads: 18
|--> Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 4662 (97.9%) : 23 (0.5%) : 75 (1.6%)
|--> Download Sessions: 4011
|--> Successful Download Sessions: 3560 (88.76%)
|--> Failed Download Sessions: 451 (11.24%)
|--> Upload Sessions: 1179
|--> Total successful upload sessions: 1083 (91.86%)
|--> Total failed upload sessions: 96 (8.14%)

|--> *** Modded by taz ***

Beiträge: 854
Registriert: Do 24. Jul 2008, 20:07

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