Changes in Version 1.8 beta (build 9137), 2008-03-21:
- Feature: Different download listview settings for RSS categories and regular Torrents
- Feature: (advanced) option to use tall or short Category list
- Feature: improve distribution of new connections across torrents
- Change: open Category list on upgrade to 1.8, if there are any RSS feeds
- Change: increase tracker interval on failure ("failure message" and HTTP 50X status codes)
- Change: reduce number of digits on many list and bar speeds and sizes
- Change: informative error on bind failure
- Change: slow_ul/dl_threshold affects inactive/active status as well
- Change: default sort order for RSS categories to 'Added On'
- Fix: use different UPnP mapping names to prevent UDP mapping overwriteing TCP mapping on some routers
- Fix: peer.resolve_country
- Fix: higher scrape count for peers was not displayed in the torrent list Peers column
- Fix: HTTPS User-Agent for betas
- Fix: "Invalid Parameter" errors with long path names
Be warned, this is a beta, so bugs are to be expected, and it is not to be considered feature complete. Don't test this on private trackers without explicit permission from staff, if you value your account. Please test and report bugs/crashes/etc. Thanks.
Download Beta