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nLevel hat mit der atldebugapi nichts zu tun, das ist ein Funktionsparameter der übergeben wird (werden kann, sofern ein Standardparameter gesetzt ist), schau dir an wie die Funktion deklariert wurde und wo sie überall aufgerufen wird!
Author: WiZaRd
Fr 22. Aug 2008, 08:22
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: nLevel in Preferences.cpp (??)
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 10431

This is idiocy!
If someone uses PS then he wants to spread his files and it does not matter to whom he uploads... besides leechers will be put back even with PS enabled...

Ah and PS: use the defines (better style).
Author: WiZaRd
Sa 28. Jun 2008, 17:47
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: No PowerShare for bad guys
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 6240

I didn't check it in detail and I have a lot of changes here that I haven't checked in, yet... so it might already be solved Bild
Author: WiZaRd
Sa 14. Jun 2008, 10:02
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: CA 0.49a - collect spammer data
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 11468

If you check the CVS then you will see that I changed that already... I didn't merge it but Dlarge and he doesn't know my code like I do Bild
Author: WiZaRd
Sa 14. Jun 2008, 09:31
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: CA 0.49a - collect spammer data
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 11468

Not aggressive but simply unfair and stupid... leecher behaviour, indeed...
Author: WiZaRd
Fr 30. Mai 2008, 07:25
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: "Native" leecher banning
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 26335

Well, I added that, too and IIRC someone also added it to the Morph code... Anyways, it's a *delicate* issue though it has been addressed several times on the official board and if SomeSupport doesn't think it's worth fixing... who knows? But btw: if the next Alpha test starts, we should try and gra...
Author: WiZaRd
Do 29. Mai 2008, 19:32
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: "Native" leecher banning
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 26335

I dunno why this would help banning leechers... it simply makes the attach work correctly... and btw: the GetIP() is wrong/messed up in MANY more locations...
Author: WiZaRd
Do 29. Mai 2008, 19:20
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: "Native" leecher banning
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 26335

[url=index.php?act=findpost&pid=68493]<{POST_SNAPBACK}>[/url] You do not need an else if you continue anyways... I placed it for clarity as with other typical #ifdef CLIENTANALYZER however, the detection of modthieves has gotten a bit harder because a lot of bad clients also fake the client ver...
Author: WiZaRd
Di 15. Apr 2008, 18:22
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: realistic modstats
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 13550

You do not need an else if you continue anyways... however, the detection of modthieves has gotten a bit harder because a lot of bad clients also fake the client version...
Author: WiZaRd
Di 15. Apr 2008, 08:25
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: realistic modstats
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 13550

Yes, you're right of course, we can't really know which one is the good client. But I think if one was already identified as NickThief or ModThief we have a really good guess.... Right... but having no such information does not prove the opposite... the system of logic, 1st semester... If it rains,...
Author: WiZaRd
Mo 14. Apr 2008, 19:28
Forum: Entwicklung
Thema: Not always remove both
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 34455

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