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Die Suche ergab 291 Treffer

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Ich sehe das so wie WiZaRd, aber grundsätzlich stören würde mich der Dienst nicht. Wenn jemand es unbedingt nutzen möchte, von mir aus, aber ich werde es nicht. Zu suspekt ist mir die Flattr-Konstellation und deren Bedingungen. Vielleicht lockt der Dienst ein paar neue "gierige" Mitglieder...
Author: Agent
Fr 15. Okt 2010, 08:57
Forum: Boardnachrichten
Thema: Neuerungen & Änderungen im - System!
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 16383

µTorrent 3.0 Build 22519 Alpha - Fix: proper url encoding of web seed http requests - Feature: add a previous state variable (%P) to RunCommand - Fix: drop zone showing up when it should be hidden - Fix: problems with https requests - Fix: generate correct JSON for list-dirs action in web interface...
Author: Agent
Mi 13. Okt 2010, 12:30
Forum: Clients
Thema: µTorrent
Antworten: 308
Zugriffe: 783517

µTorrent 2.0.4 Build 22450

-- 2010-10-07: Version 2.0.4 (build 22450)
- Fix: uTP EACK vulnerability

Author: Agent
Di 12. Okt 2010, 13:25
Forum: Clients
Thema: µTorrent
Antworten: 308
Zugriffe: 783517

Azureus Vuze

Author: Agent
So 10. Okt 2010, 11:05
Forum: Clients
Thema: Azureus bzw. Vuze - immer aktueller Download
Antworten: 44
Zugriffe: 138352

µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.2 Build 22328 Beta - Fix: toggle rss icon when feed is re-enabled - Fix: fix skinning of tab icons - Fix: Only show rss feed alias in sidebar when available. - Fix: adding magnet links from web browser no longer truncates the default path - Fix: set download location now works...
Author: Agent
Mi 6. Okt 2010, 13:57
Forum: Clients
Thema: µTorrent
Antworten: 308
Zugriffe: 783517

Azureus Vuze FEATURE: Core | Monitor available JVM memory and warn user if it is running out and auto increase (Windows only) [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Support opening .vuze files from URLs [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Allow setting of JVM direct memory max from UI (Windows only) [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Ad...
Author: Agent
Mi 6. Okt 2010, 13:47
Forum: Clients
Thema: Azureus bzw. Vuze - immer aktueller Download
Antworten: 44
Zugriffe: 138352

Den gibt es noch? :p
Author: Agent
Fr 1. Okt 2010, 14:04
Forum: Clients
Thema: BearShare
Antworten: 18
Zugriffe: 60541

µTorrent (uTorrent) 3.0 Build 22186 Alpha - Fix: relocating of single files - Fix: handle forged timestamps and clock drift in uTP better - Fix: crash introduced in previous release Download µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.2 Build 22187 Beta - Fix: relocating of single files - Fix: handle forged timestamps a...
Author: Agent
Di 28. Sep 2010, 21:57
Forum: Clients
Thema: µTorrent
Antworten: 308
Zugriffe: 783517

LimeWire Basic 5.5.15 Beta

Bug fixes.

Author: Agent
Sa 25. Sep 2010, 14:27
Forum: Clients
Thema: LimeWire
Antworten: 54
Zugriffe: 138580

µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.0.4 Build 22150 ⋅ Fix reported DLL exploit Download µTorrent (uTorrent) 2.2 Build 22144 Beta - Fix: can't disable/enable play column - Change: make items in sidebar smaller - Change: new toolbar and status icons - Fix: various crashes Download µTorrent (uTorrent) 3.0...
Author: Agent
Sa 25. Sep 2010, 12:25
Forum: Clients
Thema: µTorrent
Antworten: 308
Zugriffe: 783517

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